Our Team

Our team of dedicated professionals is ready and eager to be of service. After 20 years of being in business, we still look forward to the opportunity of each new challenge.

Business Analyst

*Master Business Administration
*IT Management Certificate & Business Analyst Citation
*30 years Business & IT,
*infoLink Founder & President since 1992 

Making your vision a reality is only possible if we can formulate your business, strategic and user requirements to a common understanding for all stakeholders. Raymond will use his in depth education, training and experience to fill the gap. Raymond worked for many years as a business and computer science instructor. His experience in high level management in various industries is definitely an asset.


System Architect

*Computer System Technology Diploma
*Advanced C++ Certificate
*Certified FileMaker Developer
*infoLink since 2006, VP Development

Before our developers start coding, Steven will confirm that our design is sound, our database is well normalized and that it will 
perform efficiently.

His methodical approach to design and coding is appreciated by the whole team. If Steven can see it then it is possible.



Senior Programmer

*Computer System Technology Diploma
*A+ Certified technician
*Certified FileMaker Developer
*infoLink since 2011


You can feel the confidence. !Peter’s tenacity and determination to generate the necessary code to make your solution work is very inspiring.

He is constantly searching for better ways to code and test to ensure that your solution delivers as expected.




*Computer System Technology Diploma
*Engineering Diploma
*infoLink since 2014


If a new technology needs to be researched or tested, Lan is the person to go to. He enjoys experimenting, and we all benefit by learning and integrating needed technology in your solution.

His knowledge of multiple platforms and database languages is very valuable when interfacing systems. Lan uses creative solutions to find and fix issues when performing exploratory or a controlled testing.


*Administration Education Certificate
*infoLink since 2003 

With her intensive operational and financial international experience, Jaqueline will ensure that we stay on track in terms of budget and the availability of financial resources.
If you have an administrative or financial concern, Jacky is listening.




Business Analyst & Planning

*Bachelor of Art, English Major
*infoLink since 2011 

His comprehensive understanding of your business needs and the work to be done is very helpful when building a successful

We frequently ask Kareem to bring a concept to a detailed requirement usable for development. This takes talent, dedication and commitment. With the right mix of science and art, Kareem will spare no effort to make your layouts stunning and very user friendly.



Consultant & Web Developer

*Business Analysis Citation
*Certified Management Consultant
*infoLink since 2008 !!!!


Tarek is our process efficiency expert. There is always a better way to do things. Trust Tarek to find it. Web elements and tools are very familiar tools for Tarek.

He loves to listen to your concept and strategic needs and help increase the effectiveness of your web presence.